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Your Best 2024 Guide to Rapid Transformational Therapy® by Marisa Peer

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®) is often described as “life-changing,” “mind-blowing,” “empowering,” “sustainable,” and “solution-oriented.” This groundbreaking therapy has the potential to truly transform your life. Some believe that RTT could be the future of mental health, and I'm here to help you understand how it can work for you.

In this guide, you'll find everything you need to make an informed decision about RTT, whether you're considering it for personal growth or thinking about becoming a certified therapist.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  1. Is RTT the Best Solution for YOU?

  2. What Makes RTT Effective?

  3. How to Locate best RTT Therapist Online

I’ll answer these questions and more, providing you with the most unbiased, in-depth, succinct, and easy-to-digest guide on RTT.

Let’s get started!


rapid transformational therapy

What Is Rapid Transformational Therapy?

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®) is a groundbreaking science-based hybrid therapy, developed and perfected over three decades by the renowned British hypnotherapist Marisa Peer. This therapy has transformed countless lives, and I’m passionate about sharing its potential to bring profound healing and change.

Quick Fact: Clients who have undergone RTT often report significant improvements in their emotional and physical well-being after just three sessions, experiencing relief from issues they’ve struggled with for years. This rapid and effective change is why RTT is gaining recognition as a revolutionary approach to mental and emotional well-being.

RTT combines several powerful self-improvement and transformational techniques, focusing on both emotional and physical deep healing. This comprehensive approach ensures that the root causes of your issues are addressed, leading to lasting and meaningful change.

The therapeutic techniques integrated into RTT include:

  • Hypnotherapy: This allows access to the subconscious mind, where deep-seated beliefs and patterns can be transformed.

  • Psychotherapy: Helps in understanding and resolving emotional difficulties, improving personal well-being.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors to improve emotional regulation.

  • Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP): Enhances communication skills and promotes personal development by altering unconscious patterns of thought and behaviour.

By integrating these techniques, RTT provides a holistic approach to therapy, ensuring that you achieve profound and lasting results.

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®) is recognised by several professional bodies and organisations within the therapeutic and hypnotherapy communities. Some of these include:

  1. International Association of Counsellors and Therapists (IACT)

  2. Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)

  3. National Council of Psychotherapists (NCP)

  4. American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH)

  5. International Hypnosis Federation (IHF)

These recognitions help ensure that RTT practitioners adhere to high standards of practice and ethics, providing clients with confidence in the quality and professionalism of the therapy they receive.

The Power of Rapid Transformative Power with RTT

What sets Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®) apart from other therapies is its rapid transformative effect. Under the guidance of certified RTT therapists, whether online or face-to-face, clients can experience life-changing benefits quickly and efficiently.

RTT focuses on accessing crucial information from the subconscious mind, even information stored for years. This process allows for profound healing and transformation. For example, an RTT therapist may explore how childhood experiences influence our lives as adults and how social conditioning affects us. Many of us are shaped by cultural programming and the pressure to “fit in,” leading to a buildup of unprocessed emotions and experiences.

Over time, these unresolved emotions and traumas may seem to fade, but they remain powerful influences hidden in the subconscious mind. These unresolved issues create blocks that prevent us from fully experiencing love, health, and happiness.

The result? We end up living “by default,” unaware of the subconscious patterns driving our behaviours and emotions.

RTT is designed to identify and address these subconscious blocks. By bringing them to the surface and reprogramming the mind, RTT helps you break free from old patterns and embrace a new, empowered way of living. This process is not only deeply healing but also incredibly empowering, enabling you to take control of your life and achieve your fullest potential.

As a passionate RTT therapist, I’ve seen firsthand how quickly clients can transform their lives with this approach. Whether you're dealing with anxiety, low confidence, or past traumas, RTT offers a path to profound and lasting change.

What Can RTT Help With? Top 10 Life-Changing Benefits

There are numerous benefits that RTT can help you with. Here are some of the key life-changing benefits that you can experience:

  1. Learn How to Communicate with Your Subconscious Mind: RTT enables you to access the deepest parts of your mind where your true thoughts and beliefs reside. For instance, if you find yourself repeatedly sabotaging your own success, RTT can help you uncover the subconscious reasons behind this behaviour and start changing it.

  2. Access and Identify Blocks Effectively and Quickly: Through RTT, you can swiftly identify the mental and emotional blocks that hold you back. For example, if you have a fear of public speaking, RTT can help you pinpoint the root cause of this fear, whether it stems from a past experience or a limiting belief.

  3. Understand How to Fix Your Blocks FOR GOOD: Once these blocks are identified, RTT provides the tools to permanently resolve them. If you've been struggling with self-doubt, RTT can help you replace negative self-talk with empowering beliefs, leading to lasting self-confidence.

  4. Alleviate Physical and/or Emotional Pain: RTT can address both physical and emotional pain by targeting the subconscious mind. For example, chronic headaches or persistent sadness can often be alleviated by uncovering and healing underlying emotional issues.

  5. Give Up Toxic Habits: Whether it's smoking, overeating, or excessive screen time, RTT helps you break free from harmful habits. By reprogramming your subconscious mind, RTT makes it easier to adopt healthier behaviors and stick to them.

  6. Greatly Boost Your Performance: RTT can enhance your performance in various areas of life, such as arts, sports, business, personal relationships, and creative expression. For instance, if you're an athlete struggling with performance anxiety, RTT can help you build mental resilience and focus.

  7. Eliminate Corrupt Thought Patterns: Negative thought patterns, such as "I'm not good enough" or "I am not worthy," can be deeply ingrained. RTT helps you recognise and eliminate these patterns, replacing them with positive, constructive beliefs.

  8. Recharge Your Life: Feelings of being stuck or unmotivated can be revitalised through RTT. For example, if you're experiencing burnout, RTT can help you reconnect with your passions and regain your energy and enthusiasm for life.

  9. Set Yourself FREE from Anxiety, Depression, and Other Issues: RTT is effective in rapidly addressing issues like anxiety, depression, fear, phobias, confidence issues, weight problems, eating disorders, sleep disturbances, certain skin issues, addictions, and unresolved trauma. Imagine feeling a sense of calm and clarity after years of struggling with anxiety – that's the power of RTT.

  10. Create New Neural Pathways in the Mind: RTT promotes the formation of new neural pathways, helping you develop healthier habits and thought patterns. This means you can rewire your brain for success, happiness, and fulfilment, making positive changes that last a lifetime.

By addressing these areas, RTT offers a comprehensive approach to healing and personal development, empowering you to live your best life.

Mindset Upgrades With Rapid Transformational Therapy

Just as we regularly update the software on our computers, it’s essential to refresh our internal software—the mind—to live a fulfilling life. Our minds are intricate and powerful systems that need ongoing care and support to help us live our best lives.

Interesting Fact: The neuroplasticity of our brains allows for the formation of new neural connections at any stage of our lives. Consequently, we have the ability to reshape our thoughts and behaviours through appropriate methods and commitment.

Think of it this way: To effectively navigate the vast amount of information stored in our minds, it’s essential to care for our mental well-being, similar to tending a garden. Just as nurturing flowers involves regular watering, we must consistently nurture the thought processes and behaviors influenced by our subconscious mind.

Marisa Peer developed RTT as an “unconventional therapy that helps clients learn, master, and then change the very process of the mind without having to spend a lifetime doing so.” With RTT, clients can achieve extraordinary results within three sessions, each lasting about 90 to 120 minutes.

Only 90 minutes sets you apart from the current you and your best self!

Imagine setting aside just 90 minutes to embark on a journey toward profound, permanent transformation. It may seem hard to believe, and that’s okay—skepticism is a natural part of critical thinking.

Let's engage in a small activity.

  1. Close your eyes and imagine yourself living your best life.

  2. Picture every detail: your morning, evening, the people around you, your house, your facial expression. Go as detailed as you can.

  3. Now, feel the transformations you desire at a cellular level.

As you imagine your ideal life, you may recognise the thoughts, behaviours, and emotions that are currently holding you back. RTT works by identifying and addressing these subconscious blocks, bringing them to the surface, and reprogramming your mind. This enables you to break free from old patterns and embrace a new, empowered way of living. It’s not just about quick fixes but about making lasting, meaningful changes in your life.

Now, can RTT help you achieve mental clarity, inner peace, and the next level of confidence? What about freedom, love, and financial success? Can it set you free from anxiety, depression, fear, phobias, confidence issues, weight issues, eating disorders, sleep problems, certain skin issues, addictions, and accumulated, unresolved trauma?

RTT, like any other therapeutic approach, has its advantages and disadvantages. It’s not a magical pill that changes your life completely and permanently in the blink of an eye. While many wish for an instant transformation, true change takes time, effort, and dedication. Personal growth is a journey involving small steps and consistent actions rather than quick fixes.

Lasting change requires a combination of self-reflection, goal-setting, and perseverance. Instead of seeking a quick solution, embrace the process of growth and development. Recognise that change is not always linear and that setbacks are a natural part of the journey.

Does Rapid Transformational Therapy Really Work?

Let's start with a simple analogy: Will adding salad to your diet help you lose weight?

The answer: It depends!

If you eat salad with a kilo of mayo, or if the rest of your diet isn't balanced, salad alone won't necessarily help you lose weight. However, if you follow a well-rounded nutritional plan that you enjoy, salad can be a valuable part of your weight loss journey.

Similarly, someone following a Keto diet might say that salad is not appropriate for any eating plan. Furthermore, the type of salad, is it organic or it tastes like plastic, is also important. The key idea is that there is no universal solution that works for everyone.

The same applies to therapy. There is no fit-them-all solution.

There’s no doubt that limiting beliefs and blockages can prevent you from experiencing optimal physical and mental health.

Unfortunately we are conditioned to think that we must strive harder. As the result we frequently overlook the importance of unconditional self-love, self-care, emotional re-charge, and healing that are crucial for our growth and well-being.

Training the mind is similar to training the body. Starting a new exercise routine may be hindered by procrastination, but when it comes to training the mind, it is fear. Fear that it won't work can be the real obstacle.

Consider this:

  • Program (verb): You can't program anything or anyone that isn’t willing to change. If someone is resistant to changing their habits or mindset, even the most advanced therapy won’t be able to make a difference because the person isn’t receptive to the process. Success requires willingness and openness to change.

  • Program (noun): You can join or participate in any program you choose, such as a therapy program, fitness regimen, or educational course. However, merely being a part of the program isn't enough to ensure success. If you don't invest time and effort into understanding the core values, goals, and principles of that program, you won't be able to fully benefit from it. Even the most skilled and knowledgeable therapists or instructors won't be able to help you achieve the desired results if you are not fully engaged and committed to understanding and applying the principles of the program.

In other words:

  • Your active participation and willingness to embrace the program's core concepts are crucial.

  • You need to understand what the program aims to achieve and how it plans to get there.

  • Success depends on your effort to integrate the program's values and methods into your life.

For example, if you enrol in a fitness program but don't understand the importance of proper nutrition and consistent exercise, simply showing up to the gym won't yield the best results. Similarly, in a therapy program like RTT, understanding how and why the techniques work will significantly enhance your ability to benefit from the sessions.

The Takeaway: RTT shouldn’t be viewed as the ONLY method of healing. It's not the perfect solution for everyone and it's not a one-way ticket to overcoming every fear, block, or trauma. However, RTT offers certain unique, unparalleled benefits that can lead to profound and rapid transformation as listed in the section on benefits above.

What Is Transformational Hypnosis and Why It Works?

Transformational hypnosis is one of the core methods that shape RTT, and it's truly fascinating.

This powerful technique offers fast, long-lasting, and profoundly transformative effects on clients.

So, what exactly is transformational hypnosis? It's a blend of hypnotic conditioning, trance, and regression. Think of hypnotherapy as a shortcut to accessing your subconscious mind, where all your deep-seated beliefs and patterns reside. It's like finding a secret pathway to uncovering the hidden treasures, wisdom, and even the shadows within your subconscious.

Your actions are driven by your thoughts. Your behaviour is a direct manifestation of what's going on in your mind. Therefore, to change unwanted behaviours, you need to address the underlying thoughts.

But how do you get to those thoughts?

By tapping into your subconscious mind. And one effective way to do this is through hypnosis. (Yes, hypnosis is real science!)

RTT hypnosis takes it a step further. It helps you to uncover and change the core beliefs that has created that behaviour in the first place. This process allows you to reset your physical and emotional reactions. You can break free from negative and restrictive thought patterns, paving the way for empowering, positive affirmations to embed themselves in your subconscious.

However, attending a few RTT sessions is just the beginning. To achieve lasting change, you need to commit to replacing old, outdated thought and behavioural patterns permanently. Think of it as doing your homework after the sessions are over.

With rapid transformational hypnotherapy, you go beyond just positive reinforcement. You gain deep insights into the root causes of your issues, empowering you to take confident, informed steps to transform these blocks into your new strengths.

Imagine a caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly. This process of metamorphosis is akin to what happens during RTT. You weave yourself into a cocoon of self-reflection and emerge transformed, ready to spread your wings and embrace your new, empowered self.

Do You Remain Conscious During Hypnosis? Busting Hypnotherapy Myths and Revealing the Truth

Many people think hypnosis is like being in a deep, unconscious sleep. However, this isn’t really the case. Let's get the truth straight.

So, what really happens during hypnosis?

Grace Smith, a hypnosis educator, reported in a 2019 Business Lunch podcast episode that hypnosis is becoming "mainstream" and is evolving into a billion-dollar industry, similar to the growth seen in yoga, meditation, and psychotherapy.

Rather than being unconscious clients are in complete control of their senses and awareness during a hypnosis session. Most shared that they experience:

  • Heightened focus

  • Improved concentration

  • Enhanced sense of awareness

Curious Fact: While working with their RTT therapists, many people actually report being able to hear more acutely under hypnosis than they usually do!

Transformational hypnosis methods, also used in RTT, provide rapid results by deeply addressing the root of your issues.

Instead of simply programming your mind with positive suggestions, you will be able to re-program specific negative thought and behavioural patterns by addressing the very root cause of these issues.

Unlike what movies often depict, a hypnotic trance doesn’t take over your brain. It’s more like the feeling you get when you’re deeply immersed in a favourite song—relaxed yet highly focused.

Hypnotic trance is not about losing control. It's about gaining better control while being in a state of deep self-reflection and awareness. Just like physical training, mental training should be practiced with respect for personal needs. The goal is to help you feel at ease and experience genuine release.

The hypnosis experience is often described as pleasurable and freeing. However, it's essential to communicate clearly with your RTT therapist before the session. Setting boundaries and discussing your expectations helps create a safe and effective experience.

Remember: Hypnotherapists can only guide you as far as you're willing to go. They are not magicians with special powers but skilled navigators of the subconscious mind that you choose to give a temporary access to. Picture this like having access to a vast encyclopaedia online. The information is there, but it only becomes useful when you choose to to seek it out and your therapists provides the "know-how".

Your RTT therapist is there to facilitate your transformation, but you are the one who must take the steps to make it a reality. Manifesting change is a personal responsibility and privilege.

The Best 2 Easy-to-Understand Videos Online About Rapid Transformational Therapy

Sometimes, watching videos can be more effective than just reading, as they provide visual and auditory explanations that make complex concepts easier to grasp. Check out these 2 best, easy, and clearly explained videos about RTT that I discovered online.

  • How RTT can help you get rid of limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging thoughts, behaviours, and blocks.

  • How RTT aids in coping with unresolved fear and trauma, including childhood-related issues.

  • The ways RTT fosters self-love and personal growth.

  • How RTT therapists access and address blocks hidden in the subconscious mind.

These videos can greatly assist you in understanding RTT better and faster. If you’re considering booking a session or simply want to know more about how RTT can transform your life, these resources are a perfect place to start.

Video 1: Introduction to RTT with Marisa Peer

Video 2: RTT Session Demonstration

How to Become a Certified RTT Therapist - Rapid Transformational Therapy Courses by Marisa Peer

In 2015, Marisa Peer launched the Marisa Peer Training School to teach her unique Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) method. Since then, she has shared her extensive knowledge with students across Australia, the USA, Canada, and London.

The Marisa Peer Training School, originally known as the Marisa Peer Method Life School, is now recognised as The Rapid Transformational Therapy® School. This rebranding reflects the school's focus on the innovative RTT approach.

Marisa Peer offers both live and online training courses designed for future RTT therapists. To become a certified RTT therapist, you must complete both the online and live training components. This ensures you receive the full breadth of knowledge and practical experience needed to effectively practice RTT.

If you are on a healing journey and considering RTT training for self-healing, it's essential to evaluate your options carefully. RTT training is intensive, requiring a minimum commitment of 12 months, and is one of the most expensive programs out there. It's specifically designed for those who want to become therapists or integrate RTT as an additional modality in their existing practice.

However, if your primary goal is personal healing, you might find it more beneficial to invest in working with a qualified RTT therapist. This approach allows you to focus on your healing without the commitment and cost of therapist training. Plus, you can use the rest of the money to treat yourself to an amazing holiday, giving you a much-needed break and time to rejuvenate.

RTT Therapy Near Me – Finding the Best Rapid Transformational Therapists in Your Area

If you’re searching for reliable RTT therapists near you, you're in the right place. Finding the right therapist is crucial for your healing journey, and there are several resources available to help you locate highly qualified RTT practitioners in your area.

Why Choose Certified RTT Therapists?

  • Certified RTT therapists have undergone rigorous training and have the skills to help you effectively address and overcome various mental and emotional challenges.

  • RTT therapists tailor their sessions to meet your unique needs, ensuring that you receive the most effective and personalised care.

  • RTT combines the best principles of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and neurolinguistic programming (NLP) to deliver fast and lasting results.

Finding the right RTT therapist can make a significant difference in your healing journey. Use these search portals to explore your options and connect with a therapist who can guide you toward profound and lasting transformation.

Ready to Find Your RTT Therapist? Click on the links below to start your search for the RTT therapist near you.

“You Get What You Pay For” – How Much Does Rapid Transformational Therapy Cost?

RTT costs vary based on each therapist’s personal pricing. Typically, you can expect to pay between USD $250 and upwards per session. In Australia the prices start from AUD $500.

While the cost might seem high, it's important to remember the value of investing in your mental and emotional well-being. RTT offers rapid and lasting results, often in just a few sessions, making it a worthwhile investment.

Unlike traditional therapies that can take months or even years, RTT often achieves significant breakthroughs within 3 sessions. This means fewer sessions and faster results, which can be more cost-effective in the long run.

The benefits of RTT extend beyond the sessions. As you overcome limiting beliefs and resolve emotional blocks, you'll likely experience improved relationships, increased confidence, better health, and overall greater satisfaction in life.

Certified RTT therapists have undergone extensive and expensive training to ensure they can provide the highest quality of care. Their expertise and experience can make a significant difference in the effectiveness of your therapy.


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